(Ruggero Leoncavallo; L. van Beethoven)

Is this the sentence

Without objective and tense

Without predicate and sense

Defective and derived


Modal negation

Indirect accusation

The final subjugation

Ungoverned and deprived


                           only the dilapidated

                                   wait  for a signal from the sky

                             I saw the last generation

                                   wake me up with a lullaby


               Refr.:    let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                             before the game is over

                             (come on and) sing the SONG OF JOY

                             and declare No More Hell


                             let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                             against the paths of sorrow

                             we’ll sing the SONG OF JOY

                             like there was no tomorrow


 Is this the verdict

Regressive and imperfect

Prone to adject and inflict

Guilty without a cause


Solecist disorder

Without a distinct border

Without semantic holder

With no case and no clause


                          only the disintegrated

                                 look for a vision in the air

                            I saw the Worst Secretary

                                 turn me into a teddy bear


                Refr.:   let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                             before the war is over

                             (come on and) sing the SONG OF JOY

                             versus Huxley and Orwell


                              let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                              against the fields of mayhem

                              we’ll sing the SONG OF JOY

                              just to bluntly shame them


 Is this the judgement

Without context or extent

Without syntax or accent

Neither rhyme nor reason


Conditional mood

Far beyond evil and good

Correctly misunderstood

A linguistic treason


                              only the demotivated

                              pray for a feedback to deep space

                              I saw the absolute supper

                              tell me about the saving grace


                 Refr.:   let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                              before the dream is over

                              (come on and) sing the SONG OF JOY

                              with a colt revolver


                              let’s sing the SONG OF JOY

                              against the walls of wailing

                              we’ll sing the SONG OF JOY

                              the paean of the plaything